
2022-05-15 17:50:03 | 浏览次数:

摘要: 桑基鱼塘是中国传统生态农业的典型代表,其形成与演变具有特定历史条件和驱动因素。先通过分析对照发现,太湖南岸地区在春秋末期(距今约2500年)已经具备桑基鱼塘形成的必要条件,然后基于古代人口数据变化推断桑基鱼塘的形成或引入应不晚于唐朝中后期。历史上桑、蚕、鱼、羊等产业发展及其他相关资料反映,太湖南岸桑基鱼塘经唐宋元时期逐步完善,兴盛于明清时期,20世纪90年代末开始萎缩。分析认为,自然条件、水利建设、政治需求、农业政策、人口增加、技术进步、经济体制与市场环境等是推动太湖南岸桑基鱼塘形成与发展的主要因素。

关键词: 桑基鱼塘;农业文化遗产;太湖南岸;湖州;起源与演变

中图分类号: F307.33;K872(255)文献标志码: B文章编号: 10017003(2018)07009708引用页码: 071303

The origin and evolution of the mulberrydyke & fishpond by the south bank of the Tai Lake

GU Xingguo1, LIU Moucheng2, MIN Qingwen2

(1.School of Environment & Natural Resources, Renmin University of China, Beijing 100872, China; 2.Institute of Geographic Sciences

and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China)

Abstract: Mulberrydyke & fishpond is a typical model of traditional ecoagriculture in China, whose formation and evolution are under the specific historical condition and driving factors. The analysis shows that, there had been the essential conditions of the formation of mulberrydyke & fishpond by the south bank of the Tai Lake in late Spring and Autumn period (about 2500 years ago). Then, based on population data change in ancient times, this paper deduces that the formation time of mulberrydyke & fishpond by the south bank of the Tai Lake is not later than the midlate Tang dynasty. With the development of silkworm, fishery and sheep industries, the mulberrydyke & fishpond system by the south bank of the Tai Lake gradually improved in the Song and Yuan dynasties, flourished in the Ming and Qing dynasties, and tipped into recession in the 1990s. In the end, the thesis summarizes the driving factors for the formation and development of mulberrydyke & fishpond by the south bank of the Tai Lake, including natural condition, water conservancy, political situation, agricultural policy, population increase, technical progress, economic system and market environment, etc.

Key words: mulberrydyke & fishpond; agricultural culture heritage; south bank of the Tai Lake; Huzhou; origin and evolution

收稿日期: 20171228; 修回日期: 20180511

基金項目: 国家农业部农业国际交流合作项目(农办财〔2018〕12号);贵州省林业科学院院士工作站项目(黔科合院士站〔2014〕4006)

作者简介: 顾兴国(1987),男,博士研究生,研究方向为资源经济与生态农业。通信作者:刘某承,副研究员,liumc@igsr.ac.cn。“浙江湖州桑基鱼塘系统”于2014年入选第二批中国重要农业文化遗产,2017年11月又通过全球重要农业文化遗产(GIAHS)专家评审并获得正式批准。从历史研究的角度看,有关该遗产系统的起源与演变的认识还没有达成一致。目前绝大多数研究主要依据桑基鱼塘的某一形成条件来推断起源时间,例如池塘养鱼的出现[1]、溇港圩田的修建[2]、水利管理的完善[3]、商品经济的兴起[4]等。依据的条件不同而导致观点不同,而且从单一条件出发判断很难具有说服力,这影响该农业模式在中国和全球农业中的历史定位。为提高研究的准确性和有效性,本文将遗产区的研究范围扩大到太湖南岸地区,先从当前已知的桑基鱼塘运行原理来反推其形成必要条件,然后基于此并借助相关历史证据来论证太湖南岸桑基鱼塘的形成时间,最后通过相关产业发展及相关资料来分析它的演变过程。

推荐访问: 太湖 鱼塘 南岸 起源 演变